
PR and musch taken or will take the process

D also, PR and musch taken or will take the process of working students and teachers, and staff will be fired is. On Wednesday the president authorization from the Education Act, the Act applies to picking up and implementation of such housing, even in case of permission from the legal system has to be applied. Bhutalaksita Act law allows residential building in the past taken action against even be brought. Civilian government employees dibhi Act, the Education Act, including PR and were forced to take musch this law has been imposed by a teacher and getting permission from the hosansodhita Act of residential consumers who return the case within two months if the law can be forgiving.
'Students and a teacher, or permanent residence permits employees to take or not take the application to obtain such permission. Before the commencement of this article no one has taken permanent residence permits, or to obtain permission for such application would have been a teacher or staff person will work in the future to be made ineligible for the service and the service will be terminated, "Article 30 states in the sub-16 E 1. In today's Daily News is the capital.

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