
21 days, stretching bokin dead child

Bajura district, 32-year-old Prakash Nepali village some 21 days, stretching bokin dead child. He was freed the day of birth. Had reached nine months. The village is near the forest and wood home, while carrying the child in her belly died fighting on the road. The child died 21 days after stomach surgery and the child out of the District Health Office, the district gynecologist Podiatrist Dr. Mithu. Rajan Prasad parties. After two days in the belly of the baby had died away in a day Sappata health Mithu and her husband had gone pasavana Nepali jacaumna. There can not vataepachi health check due to economic crisis could not take her husband to the hospital more pasavana Nepali said. He also took neighboring VDC Gotri health. Tyahampani treatment is not possible. He said, "Then I kept a few days at home, did not know the baby in the belly of a dead, including child health passed among the dead." He further said that the right bhaihalla put that at home. 'Tyahivela health camp was held near VDC. There ultrasound found that the child was dead, "he said. As soon as the district headquarter, health treatment or to take the recommendations which arise due to lack of money, but he could not take to the hospital. Though in many places for treatment wife lent to inherit lack of initiative in time to take to the hospital this morning, he did. Community Development Program through the village dhupirupa group was formed 20 thousand rupee loan when he brought the District Health Office, Bajura said. 'Group loans were not given the child is dead, even his wife was almost lost "says pasavana. In the final stage, he pugisakepachimatra hospital visitation, recognizing Dr. Mrs. Mithu. Neupane said. Economic deprivation problem -there is, lack of awareness of pregnant and nursing women, many problems have brought to the hospital last avasthamamatra sarmila Singh says ANM. Impoverishment due to lack of take-equipped hospital for treatment of women's lives in remote areas more vulnerable to the District Health Office, Family Planning Supervisor Bajgain vataumchin Durga. Rather than take the time of birth is common to the health post where familiar rituals they carry more risk of many women's health svayamasevika grab Sita BK. Another child born until the hard work and the mother's life was in danger compelled the child has to stay.

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