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Tell me one thing!" Monika persisted.

I was horrible. He looked. He was staring at me in amazement looking.

"What?" I asked and fresh.

"Do you think that can be really life after death?" He thicidii light on my right palm.

'Not Free, dies life forever! So it does not come pension. Gives anyone a job. No injury at home. Also, there is no grave to visit. "I khelaidiem his head slightly.

Ghacedi me a little, 'the commons! I am asking a siriyasali! '

"How do you know it is me?" I ucalem Kum.

"To be even know, what is your estimate? '

Now I really cant order. I did not realize this. When people go to heaven or hell after death believed was heard. But it has found someone did go. It is all about faith. I also believe that this faith is not? I also thought it over them!

"This is called by to ask?" I said.

"The next thing to ask, but it can not ask without asking it!" He smiled.

'Do you mean?' I explained to him paltaem clock pulse and time to live. "If you go slow, one day, we can talk later," he said, "which is what I am cahiraheki to stake life, it did not seem to be interested in your little! '

There was a sharp mind to hear it. Is he angry at you? He looked lifted. His eye was no indication of anger. Laughter came up to me now too. He is also her so much, but a little confusing type.

"You have to about the thanchyau? 'I said.

"You go now, 'he said Reckless," is agreeable, if any opportunities to talk about. "

I succumb to the difficulties, go to the stay? He looked out of the open windows had no tolairaheki zero. I had not had ignored him. I felt bad big. He went close. Just held his hand. And said, 'What happened?'

He looked at me handle. But some have said. There was no sense of his eye. This was, is aimed at the sky, there is a vast emptiness.

'Tell me you were intending to ask?' I worry mixed with slight light thicidiem his hand, 'Tell me right!'

'You go, bajisakyo ten.' He said, 'tomorrow, after tomorrow or any day you still have phursadilo, why rush now? Imagine sitting in your client looking for. Go play games with you! '

I kiss the cheek and gave his hair a little musarera, farewell kiss. I do not know how this venture came at me

He said that with so much love, I could not Nainasti must. I kiss the cheek and gave his hair a little musarera, farewell kiss. I do not know how this venture came at me. With quite naturally, his right cheek was dashed lighter touch my lips. He accompanied it with the most obvious. Should uniforms. Because some of the symptoms of the mind can be revealed. It was all a twinkling of the action. Outside New I said, 'Please take care of you, I will come evening!'
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