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He was speaking in her routine. Said, "This is when you? Abhasajasto death no matter what? Or when marchujasto going to do? '

'No!' I said simply. He is so empty her. Very strange, and usually do not think about things girls.

"Say one thing, when you possess marchujasto?" She asked, quite seriously.

"How could this be? 'I said,' Monu 'death is unknown."

I began gamjna anauthopanale ass now. So beautiful that have exited the mouth of death, and why it is hard to deal with the question what would be bhaninasaknuko. At least this age of life is that he should be. Love and joy should be.

Love and that should satisfy. But she says, "death is unknown, but true. This can be at any time. Now we can die.

Any meeting may be the last visit. No sentence may be the last sentence. I am speaking, I rokkina permanently. Last night could be any night. Any discharge may be the final farewell. Earthquakes can now come. This ceiling may now fall thicidina. Himddahimddai can hit pressed. The serpent can walk tokidina. No pagalale gunshot wounds, can pierce the heart .... '
I rokem usai. His melodious palm ciplyaidiem backs. And hair and dragging a little pain said, "and at any moment can bahulauna people! '

I come, and he scolded me Gurley udaidiekama. He adds a little angry and a little affection, even enmeshing pieces tarli eyes. But nothing of it. And you \ m Light Toki no lower lips. Yellow flowers embroidered in white on the floor of the curtain open a little. And said, 'OK, he can at any time be bahulauna!'

I had to go slow. He did not seem to sort degeneration. Looking tunggauna I said, 'Of course the bahulaena said suicide began to think about such things. See clock, what time is it! Do not go anywhere?

"Only eat, sleep and walk and wait to die one day be free of suicide is so, but it is slow and daily wearing. Do not fix their meals in one day. It is different for

Some do not? '

"Only eat, sleep and walk and wait to die one day be free of suicide is so, but it is slow and daily wearing. Do not fix their meals in one day. It is different? "She said.

I kept silence. And also to say! Selaisakecha coffee. It did commit. His face looked once. Unique beauty that was shining. But there was not any enthusiasm nor any passion about life. There was also frustration and guilt chanalai. I say, because I have seen him many mudaharuma, said choejasto was slight pains in his face. Yesterday he was about to meet her even more distressed. Now again the same sort occurred gradually adorable.

I thought, Monica, is a kind of illness, touched, mental illness! The problem is that this saikolojistaharuko, which is also to look at the patient. It is possible to drift away, lest I khojthem, but also worth of professional effects so pesai left. More on that basis for livelihood to convey the spirit of it!

I also thought nacahamdanacahamdai a wave up to check that the symptoms of schizophrenia and Monica became active. Cimliem eyes. Robert S. pheldamyanako 'isensielsa of Understanding Psychology "recalled m ies the book. Psychiatric symptoms mentioned, remembered.

Rake he has depression? One question is division grew. I started to examine simtamsaharu. Kothavaripari his eyes once daudaem. It was very neat. Every goods arranged. His home, decor inside, he used to wear things, and all the goods gave a abhijatyapanako signal. One amazing thing is, no one seemed such a house. Some told me that he had not about someone.

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