

The election of the President when I voted for another's hand signature. How many votes canceled tyasuma happened, the next day, the media came, "does not know the leader of the presidential election to vote for the Constitution cakes? ' At that time, it seemed to me like giving up. Again, stole and sold-sold CA, harder-dishes WHAT member vessels that came widespread. During that time I felt that I would be giving up. I also rent another house from the people harder-dishes WHAT. It is to me as I was nabhanepani. There is another event, I went to take the oath was exerted. I still remember it, there moovadi, UML, NC, where-where is that I know? All discoursed were employed. I live Prachandaji go basechu seat. UML leader grabbed the hand Please come here, this is a place to live Prachandaji chair that bhannubho me. This situation, I began my journey. Introduction to English Desire Introduction to life that I had never heard. I also called a program. I was Kamalari is. I was going to cut the grass. The program also Tharu and women also have to be really, I kept. It was the introduction. My brother was sitting beside a man. Hello, I introduce that he gave Prem Devkota. Then came my turn. I would say that is all the introduction and bhanthanem, I got Prem Devkota I said hello. Then all say your name, say your name then. Say your name is not already said, that is why I said introduction. Man admits learn that so many mistakes. I have a heap of mistakes. One such event is, when Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, Denmark I went to lawmakers. English only English should be introduced to give all I feel guilty enough as it was. Congress lawmaker to introduce me to teach English do not say I said memorizing the cabin. He said it takes a week. The most he can not support it in writing, then English, English write with them. He wrote ghokem overnight.
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