
Many people edible oil,

A common question I ask many of coronary rogiharule - 'What does khanetelale outweigh the benefits? "Many people edible oil, cholesterol and other fatty foods seem to have been misled padarthaharukabare. Only a few years ago munication market is essentially consisted of mustard oil.
Many were eating cooked vegetable oil torikai. Net cahidam and bread, whole cow-buffalo butter pakauda the classroom. Today the market torilagayata soybean, sunflower, corn, peanut, olive, coconut, etc. There are many kinds of khanetelaharu sale. The industry is set to encourage business.
Bikcha they heard flour, rice withdrawn as oil production industries of all kinds of attractive ads bikdaina by their product is beneficial for health, heart healthy and keeps it strong, to prevent Heart Attack bacauncha more messages appear together in masses try to hurt .Because of coronary patients have confused are. So a lot of benefit, except telaharumadhye kunacahile Hearts? We are experts in treating substance outweigh any harm that our cillo assists, because it is cholesterol and traiglai-seraida. These elements of the blood vessels to narrow and make the heart bloodstream, a clot, heart attack and consequently, the blood circulation is interrupted life too well .Braille status is confusion. On the one hand a certain oil 'perfectly free cholesterol, heart healthy keeps saying color screen television movie hero, heroine and Sports World-famous players, do not jump on the other hand "Suzumiya oils and fats, the heart bigrela" Be careful that the idea of ​​doctors. After all, that those patients who are treated from the age of 7 years I Sapkota rukathamadaumma Tharka are muturogi. He bath, are suffering from heart disease. His heart valves, damaged one. Every 3-3 weeks have been worn by injection of penicillin. Today, she is 14 years old already been consulted during his fall last month, he had come.
He did a wonderful complaint bhetnasatha me 'do not doctors see Saheb, babaamale give me eat, anything, says Suzumiya. The flame of the heart deteriorates Ray, Ray Puri also unhappy heart, I

He would like to eat rice, ghee and butter, but his father said .I smell the paumdainas immediately asked - "Why a child meat, butter nadiekora eat? 'He said -' meat is kalesterola. Fatty acids damages the heart. Up Heart Attack ghiule. Muturogile smooth and kalesterola not eat the food. For this reason, I am wearing muturogi son home unako response to the barn, I was startled. What a mistake really going on. Bath, heart disease, fat and meat Why barnuparyae child? Majasamga ate an unavoidable, it is related to coronary heart attack patients have high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. it is only those who have barnuparne. Where does all ekaithari Rs heart disease and ignorance have been the victim of this type are found in the very heart disease. No one, no one need not anavasyakarupama cities fats when used smooth materials are stopped. Poor teen wringing his father because of ignorance and deprived of meat Khan evokes butter and oil fell smoother foods cooking food is not subject to most used vegetable oil. Oil perfectly smooth substance. Oil scientific name 'triglyceride' Yes. Triglyceride mean is - tri 3, gliseraida-gliserola. The 3 phyati acid molecules and 1 molecule of the chemical object triglyceride gliserola.
There are 3 types of acids found in oil phyati
1. Syacyureteda 2. mono anasyacyureteda
3. Poly-anasyacyureteda
These phyati esidaruka asaraharubica texture and the heart will not be much different. Male body structure in terms of volume ghatibadhi haidrojanaanuko is more negative impact on effects in terms of syacayuretedale. All kinds of very little loss of Hearts assists phyati acid.

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