
Jung Bahadur Rana takes some myth nayakajasto. This is the palace of the king of Nepal and bred in the soil, the Queen and Prince tinamukha when various games played with his hand the power of the king, the ruler of making Khanepani god, he was. Sowing the same way that during the Rana rule in Nepal continue to run a hundred and four years of absolute control.

Jung Rana powerful clan clan's rise to power and the influence of her family legacy has played the role. His grandfather, Ramakrishna Prithvi Narayan Kunwar rajyavistara campaign was active officer. His grandfather and father Ranjit had Narsingh Kunwar Kazi rating. His clan grandparents Nayan Bahadur Thapa (Bhimsen Thapa's brother) were Mama Kazi mathavarasinha Prime Minister Thapa. However, their own struggle, no less important role in the skills and tikadamako, she appetite for power.
Sub Jung vrttivikasa has accomplished. BS 1886, when he was 13 years old srijanga Sub armies. CNAS Journal (Year 26, Issue 1: 163170), published by the Ganga Kharel 'Jung Biography and associated notes krtisamga "He According to kumbhedana 18 9 5 18 9 7 18 9 8 Kazi became captain and. Between 18 and 18 9 6 9 2 dhakre also were stripped. On the one hand, and the same when he is lined dhakre invades the delicate economic situation means to earn money when they were fueling hattikheda. But this man of his shrewdness and courage to face all the challenges.
Instead of his son Surendra kokhaka ranendralai Prince declared to be the mother of the future king's dream because of lack of desire to make the King rajendraki little queen Laxmi Thapa Prime mathavarasinha 1 9 02 killed in fresh, it also hands glory cousin Jung.
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