
eye problem solution

Working pressure in the eye for a long time the toilet is reduced eyesight.

Especially those who are working like you computer's screen for eye problems has become normal for the subject. Do not care, proper care and can be fatal. Similarly, when using a mobile phone more time, continuously working to thakne, sleep problems in pugnegari nasutda eye and eye and affect the .Capture

We have to save his eyesight to wear glasses if you wear if you feel surprised by adopting the following measures can improve eyesight.
- Daily 6/7 Keep soaking the seeds in water for peanuts at night and in the morning eat up.
Gamjarama vitamins A, B and C is very high. So if you regularly eat carrot eyes, the light is increasing.
Triphala at night soaking in the morning with the same water, washed his eyes in the eyes of the many benefits.
Niyamamita queue as a regular massage on the roof of sarasyuko oil.
-A Teaspoon soup (meal, eating spices), two seeds, peanuts, half a teaspoon of the Egyptian beaten to sleep the night before drinking milk on a regular basis a novel eye problems will be removed.
Kana have exploited on the day of his eyesight grows 5-10 minutes of massage.
Dainika Drink 2-3 glasses of green tea. Green Teima the entiaksidetsale keeps eyes healthy.
Singo staff or staff making various dishes to eat twice a day if the benefit of the eye.
Cumin is mixed with an equal amount, and the Egyptian to increase the benefits of the light reaches the eyes regular ghyusamga diet.
Hariyo vegetables and yellow fruits emphasize eating. Spinach, fenugreek, including a variety of salads with and helps maintain a healthy eye entiaksidentasale found.
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