
eighty thousand five hundred kilos

Kathmandu Valley eighty thousand five hundred kilos of meat daily arrivals has garbage. Kathmandu Metropolitan City, according to the Public Health Division Chief Harikumar Shrestha, Kathmandu importing 300 kg of buffalo or buffalo meat production is on average 100 to 115 kg, all other waste is. Kathmandu daily average meat consumption is 700 ramgabhaimsiko. Except those khasiboka a thousand 500, 70 tons of chickens, 150 pigs and seven tonnes of fish consumption is the major Shrestha said. Sources of meat and meat products of daily consumption of 700 ramgabhaimsibata misting, each one on average 125 kg of waste production is the highest. In some districts outside Kathmandu Valley for the management of the slaughter, said construction kapapako been identified. For meat products come vyavasthapanakai movable garbage Valley Construction of the slaughter, the meat packing district bahirakai innings is preparing to bring. Thus prepared meat out at least for transportation vehicles equipped 1 9 need and brought the meat to keep the cold at least 12 needed is learned. -

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