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Pre-budget policies of

Upcoming budget policy of the coalition government, bringing not easy to speak too. Finance navinatam good economics, good word sentence is seeking to bring this principle. However, the word that I have an alarm that is to be beijyata. Mandal good word, the word good politics. But, no one looked abuse of this word is used as an alternate. Similarly, economics, and not the good word beijyata.

This principle should be socialism policy. Congress socialism, communist socialism and socialism Finance would not separate. This means that it would free one? Fruit farmer, making Labor, garivaharuko needed budget policy.

Nepal's main policy agriculture, tourism, water resources have become. It needed attention. Water and fruit bins made the top of the mountain to cultivate cash mountain, as well as north-south routes needed to open the policy.

Why do we ignore surungamargalai hetaumnda-Kathmandu? Dispute budget implementation to start and set the SEP mahinabatai work, it will set the viewer finance a new good.

The more dishonest than the competition by using the power and authority to practice dishonesty todnuparyo. Why silent peace procedures for the budget?

The federal policy, the budget for the local government election is required to go on. How to collective means of production and all resources? How a person will earn? It is silent. Political cancer is about economics. The wounds of the body need a cure for cancer germ flesh and blood only be made to make more than necessary if the cancer disease. The problem is that the treatment that now make it jivanulari reached samjhaidinuparyo. He did not remind drug. Similarly, a person had to remind how to earn that budget. Otherwise, it takes a political cancer in the country.

The more dishonest than the competition by using the power and authority to practice dishonesty todnuparyo. Why silent peace procedures for the budget? People's Liberation Army, the Army did for their livelihoods, war injured, disabled, disappeared and martyrs' families, treatment, respect and support needed for the system. Specialized in various law courts and the Legislature, Truth and Reconciliation Commission also need effective policy.

Garivamukhi budget, the budget needed narimukhi. So far almost all came sosakamukhi budget. Intelligent, know listen, wealthy, the well came to the abrogation of the budget. Naked is naked, Lure tyantre, doce can host, kharpane, farmers, workers and the poor need conceived budget.
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