
Baglung, May 14 - Last April 14, the evening of the alleged unconstitutional bohoragaumma fire killed two children killed has been revealed.

Hem Bahadur Chhetri small Jiri bohoragaum 7 6-year-old daughter of his house in a fire at a stable tidal Manoj Chhetri Chhetri and 3 years old grandson was killed.

District Police Office, Baglung and abroad to discuss the fire incident, the village is run on the basis of the deceased children father's fears that the fire comes, but employed an open secret research tells us.

Martha, the mother of the children, police have arrested 23-year-old Kamala employed Chhetri and immoral relationship with him, and who were involved in the murder of 22-year Devisthan 4 arrested Bahadur Bhandari Burtibang information is given.

NPC plans to marry Bhandari arrested two neck interfere with the children murdered in twos and have accepted. Kamala Mr. Bahadur had been working for several years in Malaysia.

District Police Office, Baglung and write a press conference held here on Thursday said their relationship two and a half years and married Lois offered to children that can not go away bataekale said plans to murder.

Immoral relations with plans to escape investigation has revealed that the murder of children in Baglung District Police Office Police SP Bahadur aspirants are expressed. The accused and his mother-in-law out of the house went to cut grass has found an opportunity to write the child's murder, said aspirants.

In the incident, and the local police had tried to control the fire. Among the locals, child physical disability. Maduro said he was not able to make her foster daughter.

Police arrested both men have filed a murder case. On Thursday, the District Court ordered further investigation by baglunale 10 days from the date it is given.
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