
According to Police Chief

According to Police Chief SP Rajendra Prasad Chaudhary Nawalparasi Class 11 exam alone at home, she is 17-year-old Manisha on Wednesday night, was found dead in his house are located in Nawalparasi Bardaghat 8. His neck was seen in one room to overwhelm even faster blood is found.

Which shows that he was murdered. SP Chaudhary murder without the autopsy report done it can be said. He added: "All the autopsy reports of murdered or committed suicide opens. We are anusandhanamai. '
Police interrogated neighbors' house on Wednesday night, Manisha was alone. His mother went with her to defy her. At that time, two young men came to his house and had been fighting. By fighting the disease when young people left the morning Manisha dead 'SP Chaudhary said that the information given.
Bimal Gharti also provided information about the incident in Belgium is.
This may be due to the incident, lover caught
Basing chimekikai hovering police arrested three persons involved in the incident has cost, the charge of blessing.
Manisha has revealed that boyfriend is arrested blessing. Manisabica blessing and love in a relationship, and its cause is suspected murder of police. SP Manisha Chaudhary said that investigation had begun on suspicion of murder may have been premibatai.
Manisha body post-mortem is being laid now Parasi hospital. Nepal is published by Daily News |
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