
cloud storage

Clouds severe proposer and supporter of the Party membership had Amik Sherchan. However, when the party began to challenge after another cloud Prachanda, respectively relationship between these two is a rift that began history. And set it on fire added about the cloud 'cultural vicalanako allegations.

"When badalajilai action against them, then spat it bhaihanle go, 'Ha Maoist leaders," but disciplinary action, and the party nitimai the meaning of unconditional acceptance cloud. His action also came back later. '

Clouds of severe vigorous action. Action again after the clouds had returned to the party's responsibilities.

Inability to pratyaropasamga arape criticized both atmaalocana the severe-cloud. Sweet past bitter experience had made a new relationship tear. However, the meeting felt, aggravating 068 062 October-November inability ukkiyo i. Cunavanapachi Prachanda-cloud about 068 Termites I felt it.

Another view of a different time than them, distrust and doubt,. Prachanda lost faith in the clouds. Prachanda met cloud bead want to talk to. One became a problem toward the doubt.

Prachanda's dissatisfaction was being compelled to participate in change'unholy coalition. Mutual distrust grew, 06 9 aupacarikarupamai divorced in June. The cloud moved headquarters accuses Dahal of betrayal Buddhanagar room.

Cloud (sexual) action time when cloud-nainakalabica stress. Once that level was bhannesamma divorce. However, that cloud-Kala relationship tutnuhumdaina role as Sita, dogmatic, stung.

"Linapyaovada trend" trend is considered the original leadership of the Communist ideology to finish. Claiming that such a serious crackdown upon the clouds decreased pracandapratiko faith. This relationship is too intense-cloud naramrosammga corrupted, which is evident in the meeting with his inability to put a cloud.

Vadalale said, "Party building, we were promised, no matter how world when the storm made them all jalladale our intimate relationship never broken. We siddhinechaum, but not bow, chainnaum lineup. This time, he will remember the covenant of us. But, comrades came the wind, and the storm came and the wind blows us run rift. The crack into many termites and today our party and our relationship became strictly about termites. "

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