
abdominal pain

Abdominal pain, burning, pyrosis growth and more significative problem is gyastraitisa medical name. The gap between the chest and stomach ache around, stomach thoroughly, lost appetite, amlapita grow, spoiled mouth, the stomach is heavy, communicate air to grow, DIZZY, head ache, stomach symptoms of gastric inflate. Similarly, gastric nausea, vomit, dhyau-dhyau come, vomit, blood, visible, black stool to come, food dyspepsia, abdominal hudelne, weight loss seems to be symptoms. Inphlayisana wall of the stomach (swollen red hot through the pain issue) if the stomach mucous membrane was torn in the wall of the condition of the skin is called gastric ulcers. If the initial state of gastric ulcers are aggravated by attending. Gyastraitisalai acute and long-term / chronic and is divided into two groups. The walls of the cells for acute abdominal gyastraitisa substances harm caused by tobacco consumption. These materials, pain medication (espirana, buraphena, Nîmes, nepproksina), such as medicine, visasevana, spices, pepper and salt over into the food, liquor, alcohol into kokinajasta must. H. stomach. Pailorika and other byaktreriya, viruses, worms, or any of the fungus infection. Gyastraitisa chronic disease catering to our lifestyle, mindset and body style is connected with nature. Khanapanale also increases gastric random. Irregular lifestyle like to eat when hungry, eat more bhokabhanda, food to eat at a certain time, it will be difficult to digest the food eaten immediately to sleep immediately after eating and physical labor than has been seen in this disease. Life is full of busy and hectic pace of jyumneharu, mental stress relief, entertainment, do not, fear, anxiety, grief, depression and insomnia patient, physical labor or exercise unrighteous are also victims of this disease. Jamada long-alcohol, tea, coffee, organic drinks Coke, Pepsi, and more than has been seen eating this disease. Gyastraitisa suicide due to the immune system of this disease does. Similarly, operation of stomach liver, kidney, spleen and intestines disease, HIV / AIDS, and special mental malady must be seen. jatilataharuh - During the treatment of this disease gastric ulcers and even cancer. When ulcer bleeding again when anemia is a serious issue. Similarly, the absorption of vitamin B-12 to be produced for lack of elements needed paranisiyasa anemia, nerve and nadiharuko decay, inflammation of the gullet, expressed his asthma, persistent sores in the mouth, intestinal lesions, food digestion and absorption, and should continue expelled feces complications constipation symptoms may fall . Ananda - Gyastraitisa the disease for many reasons. Sharp gyastraitisa could be treated in time to prevent chronic disease prevention can save the other risk. Tasarthah medical monitoring and treatment of disease, Nida turn to the marketplace. Long / lifestyle-related chronic gyastraitisako large part due to lifestyle changes is essential. Lifestyle change is the food, exercise, rest, thoughts and behavior of the adjustments to be svasthamaitri. Leaving considered harmful food fiber and cokarayukta khasramota food, vegetables, fruits and sprouts salad-grain, fruit juice, fresh butter, buttermilk is useful gyastraitisama intake. Similarly, phlevenaidayukta products such as apple, strawberry, nuts, garlic, onion, Hen, let jirajasta include foods diet. Should drink plenty of water, so that gastric acid, gastric injury to motivate none. Exercise and natural treatment: 1) organs exercise, ridha exercise, relaxation exercise, morning walk, jogging, running, yoga, exercise, such as Surya Namaskar gyastraitisama are useful. 2) Sujata, pavanamuktasana, sarvannaasana, matsyandra, coal, udarakarsa and dhanurasana, tadasana, triyakatadasana such asanavidhi, anulomaviloma, sitali, sitkari, vamanasika breathing, such as method of this aid benefits puryaaumchan, but the disease is critical if these methods follow the garnusatta medical consultation should. 3) jalaneti (nasal cleansing) kunjala (colon cleansing), enema (colon cleansing), sankhapraksalana (total cleaning of the digestive system), such as treatment systems gyastraitisa samanama puryapaumcha great support. 4) abdominal massage, clay bar, Gastropub-hepetikapyaka, foreigner and Ganesh verb practice, methods of treatment, such as akupancara and akupresara gyastraitisama better. management of rest 1) gyastraitisa stressful life jyumneharulai fear anxiety, sadness, depression and insomnia and the roof of the disease. Therefore, stress management and alleviation link to gyastraitisa. 2) physical and mental yoga in order to fully relax, Yognidra, Mind Sound technique, attention should practice the method. Positive thinking to make an integral part of life. 3) Once a week the whole body massage oil abhyanga, baspasnana, sauna, shower bath, float, swim and practice basalaum ramne natural view. savadhaniharuh 1) mentioned above, let us try to live in the lifestyle. 2) reduce pain and other dabaiharu doctors' advice, let alone take. 3) possess the above mentioned symptoms appear, the physician consultation 4) treatment of gastric medicine prescribed by a doctor is fully let to eat. 5) of the liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines disease, the treatment of those diseases apanaaum caution. 6) the operation of the stomach and chest more likely to be due to gastric apanaaum caution.
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